Procedura pubblica di selezione per n. 1 posto di ricercatore a tempo determinato ai sensi dell’art. 24, comma 3, lettera A) della legge 30.12.2010, n. 240 per il Settore concorsuale 10/G1 – Glottologia e linguistica - SSD L-LIN/01 presso il Dipartimento di Lettere, filosofia, comunicazione dell’Università degli studi di Bergamo nell’ambito del progetto prin 2017 dal titolo “Writing expertise as a dynamic sociolinguistic force: the emergence and development of italian communities of discourse in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages and their impact on languages and societies.” (CUP: F54I19000750001)

Public selection procedure for no.1 fixed-term researcher as per s. 24, para 3, letter a) of law no. 240 of 30.12.2010 for Academic recruitment field 10/G1 – Historical and general linguistics - Academic discipline L-LIN/01 – Historical and general linguistics at the Department of Letters, philosophy, communication of the University of Bergamo within the 2017 prin  project entiteled “Writing expertise as a dynamic sociolinguistic force: the emergence and development of italian communities of discourse in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages and their impact on languages and societies.” (CUP: F54I19000750001)

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