The evaluation is based on two parts:
- Assignments, for which only the PASS is required (not an evaluation in grades)
- Discussions of papers, for which the Faculty member has to provide an evaluation on the following scale: A, B, C, Fail.
Summary requirements for admission to the second year
- 80% of PASS in the assignments of the chosen profile
- No more than 33% of FAIL in the discussion of papers
- 90% of the scheduled attendance hours
Each course has only 1 assignment. If the course is taught by several teachers, a question/exercise is given for a teacher (proportionate to the teaching load).
The assignments requested to the doctoral students are different depending on the chosen Profile:
- Introductory courses:
Applied Economics Profile: 4 mandatory assignments
Profile Management: 3 mandatory assignments
- Methods courses:
Applied Economics Profile: 2 mandatory assignments
Profile Management: 2 mandatory assignments
- Topics courses:
Applied Economics Profile: 3 assignments on 4
Profile Management: 2 mandatory assignments
- Total assignments
Applied Economics Profile: 9 assignments
Profile Management: 7 assignments
Each student must exceed 80% of the required assignments:
- Applied Economics Profile: 7 assignments
- Profile Management: 5 assignments
If a PhD student does not reach the PASS in at least 80% of the assignments:
- In September, she/he again supports the assignments for which she/he received NO PASS
- At the end of these retake assignments, if 80% of PASS has not been reached depending on the chosen profile, she/he is not admitted to the second year.
Paper discussion
Before defining the transition to the second year, the Faculty asks for a further important step, which becomes fundamental for three reasons:
- Allowing to effectively evaluate the level of understanding of a paper by the student
- Further familiarize the research activity of Faculty professors
- Enhance Reading Groups
Each first year Ph.D. student must:
- Choose 3 papers, each must belong to different Reading Groups;
- The papers must have as a teacher of the Faculty;
- Discuss the paper with the author, presenting:
- Objectives of the paper
- The state of literature
- The methodology adopted by outlining in a precise way how it responds to possible both theoretical and empirical problems
- Results
- Any managerial / policy implications
- The added value of the paper in its main conclusions.
The teacher will have to evaluate the PhD student's ability to understand a research paper, communicating his/her assessment to the Coordinator/Deputy Coordinator, expressed on a scale A, B, C, Fail. This evaluation is an integral part of the decision for admission to the second year. If a Ph.D. student obtains 2 Fail at this stage, he/she is not admitted to the second year.
Course attendance
The student must reach at least 90% of the hours of attendance of the courses in his/her profile.
- Applied Economics Profile: 178 hours attendance
- Management Profile: 124 hours of attendance
- Each teacher must report attendance to the course
- Unjustified absences on the profile courses are not allowed
- The justified absence is only:
For illness
For third-party certification, without family ties.
Assignments: Choice of profile
Each Ph.D. student chooses the profile by the end of October, communicating it to the Coordinator.
A change of profile is possible until the end of the first year, so by the month of September of the following year at the start of the course.
In case of change of profile the student will have to support the missing assignments of the chosen profile.