Ukraine Student Grants (by August 25th)

Call for applications for Ukraine students - by May 16th

Bergamo offers no. 4 study grants to Ukraine students enrolling in single courses ( in the academic year 2021-2022.
Students are allowed to enroll in a maximum of 30 credits, without fees (excluding the duty stamp about €16.00).
Students will be also admitted free of charge to the Italian Language intensive course (July 2022).
Each study grant is awarded for 5 months only and amounts to a total of €4,250.00 (€ 500 per month) including all taxes for the beneficiary's and Administration’s accounts.

Call for applications for Visiting Professor and Researcher belonging to Ukrainan Universities and Research Centres - by May 16th

The University of Bergamo launches a call for n. 6 highly qualified professors and researchers, belonging to Ukrainian Universities, Research Centres or Higher Education Institutions, aimed to develop research and teaching activities in the Departments of the University of Bergamo. The Professors and Researchers will conduct research activities for three (3) months during the period starting from mid May 2022 to 30th September 2022, on a continuous basis, teaching activities are also required. The activities will be carried out in accordance with the academic calendar of the academic year 2021/2022.
This call for applications is intended for applicants who, in their university institutions abroad, fill positions equivalent to those of Full Professor, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, existing in Italian universities.
The Call is reserved to applicants holding a protection status even temporary according to DL 16/2022.

Ukraine Visiting Grants

Education & Training

Per rispondere alle diverse sfide della cooperazione internazionale e dello sviluppo sostenibile, l'Università degli studi di Bergamo offre una formazione multidisciplinare con 2 lauree magistrali e 2 master legati al campo della cooperazione internazionale; iniziative sviluppate in collaborazione con un'ampia rete di università, organizzazioni internazionali, istituzioni pubbliche e organizzazioni private (profit e non profit), offrendo alla comunità studentesca un'immersione nelle complessità dello sviluppo internazionale per sviluppare conoscenze e competenze per rispondere alle grandi sfide in materia di diritti umani, migrazioni, povertà, radicalismo, promozione del terzo settore, economia di mercato e valorizzazione delle istituzioni per lo sviluppo sostenibile. Inoltre, l'UniBg collabora con UNICORE University Corridors for Refugees che offre ai rifugiati l'opportunità di studiare nella nostra università in modo regolare e sicuro per continuare i loro studi, in linea con l'obiettivo dell'UNHCR, l'Agenzia delle Nazioni Unite per i rifugiati.

Manualetto per l'accoglienza in lingua ucraina